all postcodes in L7 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L7 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L7 4JB 13 0 53.397819 -2.947053
L7 4JE 1 0 53.396837 -2.943858
L7 4JF 19 2 53.396277 -2.941951
L7 4JG 37 7 53.397809 -2.948166
L7 4JP 18 0 53.398115 -2.945992
L7 4JQ 33 5 53.396837 -2.945076
L7 4JW 21 0 53.397939 -2.945477
L7 4LD 1 0 53.396728 -2.941615
L7 4LE 1 0 53.396996 -2.941846
L7 4LF 3 0 53.3973 -2.942018
L7 4LG 31 0 53.396778 -2.940984
L7 4LH 2 0 53.396411 -2.941893
L7 4LN 15 0 53.397706 -2.946524
L7 4LQ 4 0 53.397072 -2.941291
L7 4LW 36 0 53.398248 -2.947333